To be a leading Asian university recognized for quality programs in academic and innovative research, theoretical and practical teaching, and professional training.
To promote applied research and prepare flexible and confident leaders for the global era through a high quality, open, and interactive learning environment.
O - openness
R - responsibility
K - knowledge
H - honesty
O - outstanding /original
N - noteworthy
To be a leading Asian university recognized for quality programs in academic and innovative research, theoretical and practical teaching, and professional training.
To promote applied research and prepare flexible and confident leaders for the global era through a high quality, open, and interactive learning environment.
O - openness
R - responsibility
K - knowledge
H - honesty
O - outstanding /original
N - noteworthy

Accreditation, Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation, 1999
Accreditation - Advanced level, Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation, 2005
“Outstanding Organization,” recognized by Ulaanbaatar City Mayor and Mongolian Women’s academy, 2006
“Outstanding Organization,” recognized by Ulaanbaatar City Mayor and Mongolian Women’s academy, 2007
Recognized as member of the Consortium of Mongolian Universities and Colleges, 2009
Achievement Recognition, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2012
“The Best Independent University,” “Best of Mongolia 2012” public opinion poll, 2012
“Mongolia’s top university 2014,” Mongolian student association, 2014
Recognized as member of the Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation, 2015
Accreditation, Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation, 2018